Title: Retired general warns the U.S. military could lead a coup after the 2024 election
Only in communist countries do they politically brainwash their soldiers.
Title: Retired general warns the U.S. military could lead a coup after the 2024 election
Only in communist countries do they politically brainwash their soldiers.
So, how's everybody's spanish/mandarin/vietnamese language lessons going?
I'm going to Mongolia, catch me living that yurt-life
I'm asking genuinely - where would Spanish get you? I don't know much about Cuba, Venezuela, or Bolivia but can't imagine they'd trust a norteamericano asylum seeker.
I've heard good things about mexico. Certain folks might be against letting gringos into their communities, but Mexicans at large are pretty open to foreigners. Plus Mexican society actually has a use for some of us (translators, educators, engineers etc).
This goes for those other countries you listed as well. Of course you could be considered a threat for good reason by some leftist governments, but there are many Louis Proyect types who never gained any fame but were still nonetheless valuable to leftist movements/governments.
All those libs talking about moving to canada back in 2016 would have been a legit burden on Canada. They never considered Mexico cuz they have an anglo driven wordview where if every product available in the global market isn't available in their locality, they consider the locality beneath them/third world tier. fuck them, move to someplace where your skills can be put to good use.
I'm down to correspond with someone in Russian.
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Вы студент русского языка?
Edit: Я вижу ты родилься в России. Я Американец, но моя пробабушка и продедушка из России. Я долго учил русский язык, но очень плохо говорю.
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Я всегда пробую понимать без словаря. Я не знаю "усыновить". Это значит у тебя были биологические родители в России, или поанглисский, you're adopted?
Мне кажеться, давно, у меня нет семьи в России. Многи людей умерли в погромов (очень кринж). Но я хочу поехать.
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Моя старшая семья (я не знаю как сказать "ancestors") жила при Николае. Я знаю кто перехали в Америку, но Я не иненно знаю кто продолжали жить в России. В деревне (шетль) у много людей было моя семейная имя, но это известная имя. Возможно эти люди не в моей семьи.
Спасибо. Я знаю я плохо говорю по русский, но я люблю практироваться.
this is a slight against the laotian language!
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