I jumped on the bandwagon when the game got popular and recently finished Heavensward. I'm not going to go into spoilers, but the game has some of the worst politics I've ever seen in a videogame. I didn't expect anything good, but jfc it was so much worse than I imagined, especially the first part, ARR.
Anyway, I don't want to spoil anything for people who might want to try it out, but I have to share my pain with someone or my head will explode. I didn't know if I should post it here or on the dunk tank, but it's a screenshot from a videogame, so I settled on this community.
I present to you: the worst take of all times. For context, that's basically the protagonist and the leader of the organization that tries to pretent world ending events. And if anyone thinks that just means killing monsters, they also overthrow corrupt kings and fight evil empires. In the most liberal way possible, it's insufferable.
Shadowbringers spoilers:
I was really hoping they were going to realize the People’s Republic of Eulmore after they dispelled their obsession with Vauthry, but it never really went that way despite the hints at it. Maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to see though
I felt there was potential for that, too. I was disappointed, but perhaps I was expecting too much.
I saw the exact same thing! I imagine a Monty Python-esque sketch where the former Eulmorites get all revolutionary, and then someone describes Democracy to them, and then they all decide that that sounds like too much effort and just pick a different guy to be the dictator and keep things exactly the same.