To be an effective ally and political home for trans people in the United States, the Communist Party will always seek to educate our members and leaders on the trans struggle and train them to be fighters for trans equality and justice. The party also dedicates itself to seeking out and promoting the leadership of trans activists in our ranks.

Communists will mobilize to fight against transphobia wherever it appears — in national and state politics, in the towns and cities where we live, in the places where we work, in the unions and mass organizations we belong to, and within our organization itself.

Winning the long-term goal of socialism requires the unity of all workers and oppressed peoples — and that includes trans people. Our party will never be silent in the face of attacks on the trans community, no matter what forces or interests initiate them.

The Communist Party resolves to throw itself fully into the fight for trans people’s right to exist, to gender self-determination and gender-affirming health care, to be recognized as who they are, to live free of discrimination with full and equal civil rights, and to thrive — on the job, in school, at home, and in all spaces and places.