• SerLava [he/him]
    8 months ago

    This is barely on topic but I can't stop thinking about this every couple of months for the past like, 10 years

    They did some weird covers of various pop songs for Bioshock Infinite. They were basically songs going though whatever timewarp shit they had going on in that game, lyrics or recordings leaking out into the public, and then being covered by 1910's musicians. They did like Tainted Love, Fortunate Son, and a bunch of other relatively modern songs.

    They also had this timewarp shit happening and sending you back to Rapture, the original underwater cryptocurrency haven from the first game, but showing you what it was like before everything collapsed. Part of the premise of the first game was basically all these people got suckered into signing up for Libertarian Disneyland, thinking they'd become prosperous, while it was really about the biggest richest asshole dominating everyone else... ancapistan. He lured them to the bottom of the sea with promises of freedom and self-actualization only to kill them for trying to unionize their backbreaking shit jobs.

    This is all to say I want a one-man folk blues guitar cover of Badfish by Sublime lmao

    think about it... THINK ABOUT IT

    I think that would transcend the original