Confucius say butcher who back into meat grinder get a little behind in his orders. 🍑

    8 months ago

    Started a new antidepressant today. Haven't been on one before so I'm curious to see what happens.

    I do hope it does something. I'd hate to go on the medication merry go round to find something effective.

      8 months ago

      Good luck. It can take a while to adjust. I found the serotonin based ones work fast for me (lucky I guess) but I always feel wonky and a bit sedated for a while, while I get used to having a quiet brain. If they work they are a game changer. Fingers crossed you are in that bucket

    • StudSpud The
      8 months ago

      The one that works for me is desvenlafaxine/Pristiq - it'll take a bit of time to work, but be patient and if you feel really off or even a bit suicidal, please talk to your doc asap.

      Good luck, friend!

        8 months ago

        I disliked Pristiq, some of the side effects never went away for me.

        I'd still strongly encourage people try it though as it got me through a really rough time and I'm truly grateful for that.

        If I needed something again it would be my first choice.

      8 months ago

      Fingers crossed for you. Been there, had awful side effects and none worked. SNRI landed me in emergency ☹️

      8 months ago

      Good luck, and do reach out if you need any interwebs support ❤️

      As you can see a few of us have been in your shoes from a medication perspective before.