Confucius say butcher who back into meat grinder get a little behind in his orders. 🍑

    5 months ago

    Started a new antidepressant today. Haven't been on one before so I'm curious to see what happens.

    I do hope it does something. I'd hate to go on the medication merry go round to find something effective.

      5 months ago

      Good luck. It can take a while to adjust. I found the serotonin based ones work fast for me (lucky I guess) but I always feel wonky and a bit sedated for a while, while I get used to having a quiet brain. If they work they are a game changer. Fingers crossed you are in that bucket

    • StudSpud The
      5 months ago

      The one that works for me is desvenlafaxine/Pristiq - it'll take a bit of time to work, but be patient and if you feel really off or even a bit suicidal, please talk to your doc asap.

      Good luck, friend!

        5 months ago

        I disliked Pristiq, some of the side effects never went away for me.

        I'd still strongly encourage people try it though as it got me through a really rough time and I'm truly grateful for that.

        If I needed something again it would be my first choice.

      5 months ago

      Fingers crossed for you. Been there, had awful side effects and none worked. SNRI landed me in emergency ☹️

      5 months ago

      Good luck, and do reach out if you need any interwebs support ❤️

      As you can see a few of us have been in your shoes from a medication perspective before.

    5 months ago

    Update on the new meds: I actually feel great. It's called Wellbutrin and apparently is used to quit smoking (bonus!) and for weight loss also (2nd bonus). I just feel kind of motivated? And have a lot more energy.

    Early days yet, so we'll see.

    5 months ago

    Just got hacked at work. Can't do emails, ordinary work or access the accounts program. Up to date on everything else. They were pretending to be Windows Defender.
    Twiddle thumbs afternoon coming up. Ho hum.

    5 months ago

    Coffee was so good I'm pretty sure I made my O face. I definitely moaned. 10/10 has saved my day.

    5 months ago

    Gah. Was meant to catch up with a friend for coffee and lo and behold my car wouldn’t start :(

    Have called out roadside assistance to have a look, I suspect it’s the battery.

    I hope it’s only flat and doesn’t need replacing.

    Pray for me.

        5 months ago

        Roadside came and gone.

        Confirmed to be a dead battery. :(

        I’ll need to sort that out tomorrow or the day after.

            5 months ago

            Had a look around but I’m not too confident and have little knowledge of car batteries.

            It’ll be ok. I can sort it out tomorrow or the day after, one of my friends is going to help me get sorted.

              5 months ago

              The old battery or the manual should outline power required (CCA - cold cranking amps). Supercheap, Autobarn, Repco, Bursons, RACV, will all be able to check what battery suits your car too.

                5 months ago


                RACV will sort me out later in the week.

                I did have a look at Supercheap as all you have to do is enter your rego online and it checks for you.

      5 months ago

      Good luck. I hope you got your car running and managed to get out for your coffee.

      My #Jimny is getting its 2-year service and I am hoping I don’t have any nasty surprises.

      Spent the day in the local town, visiting cafés and parks, waiting for the Phonecall with quiet optimism.

        5 months ago

        Thanks it’ll be ok. I have nothing urgent that needs going for so I can wait it out the next day or so.

        Fingers crossed for you too and your 2 year service. If there’s anything you’d think warranty would cover you.

    5 months ago

    I don't normally post things like this. To the old lady in that big mf ute thing, who took 7 goes and 2 different parking spots to reverse park and could barely see over the steering wheel jfc. Go park down the back.

  • bull⚡
    5 months ago

    I am frying onions and my apartment smells so gooooooood. It is making my air purifier very excited though.

      5 months ago

      I'll never forget the time I batch cooked about 30 huge onions down into a spicy caramelised onion dish in my little dorm room in Japan (for a food festival) and probably fucked up the stove hood as a result. It was so good but the smell wasn't so great the day after and it took about 3 full days to air the tiny place out completely.

      • bull⚡
        5 months ago

        Yikes that sounds like weapons grade onion warfare.

        My most intense onion story was the time in my first apartment when I bought 3 onions and left them (forgot about them) in the back of the pantry for.. who knows how long.. and then one day suddenly the apartment STANK and I was hunting for the source of the smell. Turns out the onions sort of melted into a dark sludge which dripped down multiple shelves. I can't remember how long that smell stuck around but it was a while. When I think about it I can still kind of smell it.

    5 months ago

    Start of a new week, let's hope I can get off my arse and go job hunting instead of enjoying my break from working.

    5 months ago

    Am bored at work, so here is dad joke for Monday - A Grandfather tells his Grandson, “When I was a boy, you could go into a store with coins in your pocket and come out with a loaf of bread, lunch and a bottle of milk.” The Grandson replies, “You can’t do that anymore Grandpa, there’s too many cameras now“.

    5 months ago

    What a lovely start to the week. One of my bosses messages on Teams group chat wishing me a happy birthday for yesterday. 20 minutes later, she sends me an email saying I won't be eligible for the bonus that all other staff will be getting for the team exceeding Q2 performance for the most bullshit reasons (the real reason being, they asked me to leave and don't care to pay me anything extra, even though I contributed like everyone else). Together with some wank about how she wanted to tell me in person but the time of year makes that difficult. Spineless individual.

    Planning to resign within the next month and it cannot come quick enough. Thinking another sickie between now and then too.

      5 months ago

      That sounds like workplace bullying and depending on the size of the bonus might be worth a call to fairwork.

      5 months ago

      Planning to resign within the next month and it cannot come quick enough. Thinking another sickie between now and then too.

      then call this crap out. You got nothing to lose.

      5 months ago

      Happy Birthday for yesterday.

      January (and late December, early February) birthdays are unrewarding. “Sorry we didn’t get you a present, we re still broke from Christmas”.

      Good luck with getting a redundancy and payout, as long as it doesn’t come at the cost of any mental health.

  • StudSpud The
    5 months ago

    This is not my circus, not my monkeys,
    But there I stand with a red nose,
    Coloured hair and wacky clothes,
    Juggling emails, calls, managers and techies,

    Being a phone monkey is taxing,
    No reception, the clients are pissed,
    So listen and do my best to assist,
    But I'm left wanting, waning and waxing.

    5 months ago

    How do I deal with a colleague that I can’t understand? He asked me something, I didn’t understand so asked again . Still didn’t understand. Didn’t know how to approach it -without coming across as insulting or looking stupid. yes he has an accent that makes it hard for me, especially over teams…. Usually not an issue for me but this one is a bit different than the usual

      5 months ago

      "Sorry mate, can you phrase it a different way? My brains a bit slow today" make it out as if its your fault.

      5 months ago

      After the second time you say "I'm sorry I'm still not understanding". If it's important enough they will make you understand by slowing down and articulating their words better or say "doesn't matter".

      5 months ago

      Maybe ask for an email or similar? The person MUST be aware that their accent is causing problems with communication - if they are adult and intelligent enough to be holding down a job.