The movie will be about a rich cracker-ass family moving into a haunted McMansion and they'll have like a seven year old daughter that will be like "I'm talking to my new fwiend" and the mom will be like "What do you mean, Madison, what friend?" and the kid will be like "Killy McStabberson!" and point to the haunted doll/mirror/whatever they found in the house when they moved in. And the mom will be like "WhAt Do YoU MeAn MAdIsOn?!?! ThE ReAl EsTaTe AgEnT SaId KiLlY McStAbBeRsOn HaS bEen DeAd for 50 yEaRs!" and the kid will be like "He told me to praise Satan"

And like the haunted whatever is like some blood covered doll.

Look, little kids aren't idiots. If they see a blood covered ghost they are going to run and scream and hide under their bedcovers and call for their parents. Kids are scared of monsters in the closet, like hell they'd make friends with some random ghost.

"But what if they think its their imaginary friend?" Okay, I remember being a very young kid and letting my imagination run wild, but that was just playing. Kids don't actually physically see their imaginary friends and would freak out if they did lol. Even if the ghost looked like a normal person, I'm pretty sure a kid knows that a person randomly manifesting in their home isn't normal and would probably cry to their parents that a stranger broke in.

I hate, hate, hate the 'kid that sees ghosts' trope. The only time I've seen it done right is The Sixth Sense, because the kid reacted like a normal kid would, scared, weirded out and disturbed.

Are there any horror movie tropes that you hate?

  • Infamousblt [any]
    6 months ago

    All of them tbh I can't stand horror movies. Let's contrive some scenario where we get to watch humans suffer for 2 hours and then at the end we can talk about how that relates to some real human suffering. And also now you can't sleep for the next week because the nightmares keep you up. I don't understand it.

    • D61 [any]
      6 months ago

      I share a distaste for the slasher and torture subgenre's of horror.

      I just want a spooky story with some unsettling set pieces and lore. Give me a good "monster" story, I really dig those.

      • Infamousblt [any]
        6 months ago

        Yes this is true. The ones that are really actually scary are just too stressful for me and the ones that are trying to hard are just annoying "how many ways can we combine different torture methods into one film!"