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  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    1 year ago

    It's the classic argument path:

    Liberals: "I hate [foreign government/country/corporation/person/etc] for [usually somewhat justifiable reason in a vacuum]!"

    Communists: "Okay, sure, but [Western government/country/corporation/person/etc] does that same thing but much, much worse! Why aren't you talking about them?"

    Liberals: "Oh, I hate it when they do that too! We're just talking about this particular [foreign government/country/corporation/person/etc] right now! Why are you deflecting? Are you trying to defend them? Whataboutism!"

    Communists: go to their profile; literally no evidence that they have ever complained about a single Western entity in their lifetime, and may even have expressed support for Western entities that do even worse things