Since climate change, it isn't even that cold, it was supposed to dip to -8c but now it is summer again. It does rain almost constantly though. I am on a hill, and the wall of the house provides a lot of shelter. I don't think anywhere is particularly boggy, but it is wet most of the year. It is flat grass against the wall of my house, and a slope stepped with stones against the pavement of the road outside.

I'm thinking hardy varieties of climbing rose, hydrangeas, ivy, hopefully jasmine, some evergreen holly hedges and crawling juniper. The previous owners planted a tree in the centre of the garden which does not appear to be making much progress. My phone identified it as something stupid like Goat Willow, which I can only imagine is the most boring plant a person could ever willingly choose to plant themselves.

Other stuff which does well in my garden is Hoary Willowherb, which is so abundant I had to remove it from the gutter of the roof.

Further away from the shade there is a healthy Redclaw which is home to about a million tiny birds. It is pretty ugly but I can't exactly evict these birds now they have lived there for generations, so maybe there is a way to turn it into a wild hedge made up from lots of different shrubs. Maybe I can grow cranberries and blueberries.

Let me know you guys's thoughts especially if you think I can grow anything fragrant. Personally I could obsess about this for weeks and not make any decisions so I really need someone to help me.