ive been thinking abt this for a while now: a comm for caffeinated drinks. im a big coffee drinker and rlly enjoy the process of brewing. this could be for tea too, and energy drinks ig. theres a lot of knowledge in brewing coffee (and im sure its the same for tea). im a bit of a novice, but i have a decent amount of experience to share involving espresso, cold brew, pour-overs, water hardness and temperature, grind size, bean selection, etc. we can also recommend each other gear. my first post would be talking abt my manual espresso machine that i highly recommend for quality espresso on a budget

as im already on the mod team, i could mod this comm, and im sure i could find other users passionate abt coffee or tea to deputize

  • dannoffs [he/him]
    5 months ago

    I'm a coffee roaster and have been in the speciality coffee industry for over 10 years, I'd definetly be down to participate.

  • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
    5 months ago

    what do you get out of having the specific space rather than posting in c/food? idk how other people use the site but i'm pretty sure all these micro coms makes me less likely to see posts.

        • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
          5 months ago

          idr what the default is especially for older accounts, but you can see whether you are browsing All (aka "Local" assuming you don't want to see lemmy.ml stuff) or only Subscribed on the homepage. If it is Subscribed and you'd rather not filter any hexbear posts out (besides blocked ones) just switch the default to Local in your user settings.

          Since most people are browsing by All it doesn't matter too much how many micro comms we have

    • PointAndClique [they/them]
      5 months ago

      Is it possible to rename comms? i.e. c/food could be c/foodandbev

      (I suspect it isn't?)

  • Mindfury [he/him]
    5 months ago

    i reckon food doesn't get a huge amount of traffic currently, so might be easier to work/allow coffee and tea consumption and equipment discussion there?

    like i get that discussing my baratza encore grinder and asking for reccs on a better one to blow my money on might not be strictly about food, but maybe we allow it?

    just a tradeoff between having small comms that get drowned out vs diluting the comm topic too much i guess

  • YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]
    5 months ago

    I do love coffee... (and some kinds of tea)

    Is it necessary for this to be its own comm? maybe not. but it would be fun and that's reason enough right? I could mod as well tho I don't have a strong desire either way

  • Juice [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    I quit drinking alcohol in November, but I def like drinking coffee, etc.,probably one of my last remaining "vices" (not a judgement I just have mh issued and had to give up substances.) maybe if there was a comm for something like this I wouldn't feel so alone on the wagon.