New Mexico is often rated dead last in terms of pre-k-12 and in terms of education overall. Example: Best States for Education | US News Best States.

Pre-election dem propaganda: The 7% pay increase that the democrat-led legislature is considering that's mentioned in the article. If they actually wanted to do it - they would have done it already.

New Mexico asks Guard to sub for sick teachers amid omicron | AP News

The governor said state workers are encouraged to participate in a spirit of public service and that no one is being drafted. The state hopes to quickly deploy 500 new substitute teachers and day care workers.


State public education officials say volunteers from the National Guard and state agencies can qualify for substitute teaching with as little as two hours of training and a two-step background check. School districts will decide whether military personnel appear in uniform or casual dress.


Amid longstanding teacher shortages, the Democrat-led Legislature is weighing proposals to recruit and retain teachers with a minimum 7% pay increase for all public school staff, increased minimum teacher salaries at various career stages and spending to pay off teachers' student debts.

  • inshallah2 [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    when will they be stationed at walmarts as cashiers

    How about this for a hellworld situation?...

    There's a big solar flare and a gigantic amount of electronics get fried all over the world. The US power grid is a joke so it gets fried and a huge portion of the US is without power. Biden says "Hold on, America. We can fix this..." He says the power will be back soon, real soon. But he loses his temper when reporters ask the reasonable question "When?" He'll intimate it'll be weeks. Then his administration will say months. But we'll learn that it'll take years to fix most of the mess because everything was in such a sorry stare to begin with and nearly everywhere is fubar.

    Many magic machines are gone and no one will remember how to do anything. Cashiers will have to add up the numbers by hand. And that won't go well. The National Guard will be pressed into service with combat calculators that survived the flare. But - of course - they won't remember how to use a calculator so they'll learn on the job. Also - to verify credit card purchases - they'll have to read a string of numbers into the phone.

    Imagine how angry and violent Americans will get it takes them 20 times as long to get their treats. High count mass shootings will be a near daily occurrence. CNN, MSNBC, etc will have a Mass Shooting sidebar with recent stats like they did for covid