It seems to first come from MRA spaces, but then I seen some TERFs co-opt it, and even the FDS subreddit uses some of that logic?

Is this really interpretation people are getting from nature? I did see FDS, and TERFs try to compare humans to bee social structures which is a weird take.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    2 years ago

    It's one of those ideas from real science that got coopted and bastardized by certain groups because a surface-level reading of it confirms all of their prejudices about the world. If a population suffers a mass casualty event, that population is more likely to bounce back if the casualties were concentrated on males than if they were concentrated on females, because of how pregnancy works. Some MRAs like to imagine that all societies are organized around instinctual knowledge of this fact, and that all social constructs put men into dangerous positions like militaries and whatnot as a result.