For the union, it comes off as sad and for this guy, it’s pitiful since it comes off as him wanting a job. (He’s an actor, writer and producer)


  • Antiwork [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    He literally was the one who fired the union staff leading to this incident.

  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    5 months ago

    yea i dont think the charges will stick. i do think its the responsibility of the armorer to check, why were live bullets there in the first place? the union statement is rational. I dont think any actor, baldwin or otherwise is responsible for checking the gun has real bullets on a set, because the expectation is its blanks.

    i havent watched a single baldwin movie but the charges are kinda silly.

    • @Sinistar
      5 months ago

      The union's focusing on that aspect of the story because on it's own you're completely right - it's not an actor's job to be a gun safety expert.

      The question before the court is whether Baldwin bears responsibility for creating an unsafe environment on set, ignoring the many safety complaints of the crew, ignoring the previous negligent discharge incidents that had occurred on set, ignoring the previous negligent discharge incidents on other sets that some of the crew had been involved with, hiring an incompetent armorer, not hiring the armorer to be an armorer for every day that real weapons were on set, and so on. I guess if the producer credit that Baldwin has is a "vanity credit" and he wasn't involved in any of those decisions as the tweets above describe then he has a case, but if he was legally responsible for the actions of the production company in some way then he bears a share of responsibility for some or all of those things.

      AFAIK the assistant director took a plea deal and the armorer has a separate case, her defense relies on the fact that she was only hired to be a "prop master" and not an "armorer" on the day that the shooting occurred.

      • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
        5 months ago

        doesn't he own the production company? even if he wasn't doing any actual producer work he should lose his celebrity and wealth permanently.

        and either way, kick the fucker out of the union that shit's a whole conflict of interest that shouldn't be allowed.

        • @Sinistar
          5 months ago

          I have no idea, presumably that's for the court to decide but we all know how unreliable that system can be.

          But yeah if he has any kind of hiring power then he shouldn't be union, at least for the sake of that particular job.

  • Crowtee_Robot [he/him]
    5 months ago

    "Actors are blameless because they live in a literal fantasy land," is a hell of a way to defend pulling the trigger on a loaded gun and killing someone.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      5 months ago

      Because he makes a yearly video as his Frank Underwood character making thinly veiled threats to “the elites” that don’t materialize anything because Spacey is a pedophile with no morals, so conservatives love him because they’re pedophiles with no morals and they become redeemed if Spacey is redeemed