I remember reading a while back a document from some US pandemic 'wargaming' exercise, where an anticipated problem with vaccine rollouts was that some people (especially students) might refuse a vaccine until it was distributed equitably around the globe, out of principle. Turns out that wasn't a problem at all!

Speaking of solidarity, from the article;

"Former NHS chief executive Lord Crisp was one of the letter's authors and said vaccinating the world was the best way to keep the health service safe... "The solution is global solidarity - working together and that means partnership," he said."

This is Baron Crisp, Knight Commander of the Order of Bath, who according to Tom Bowers (a supposed 'former marxist' turned court gossip and anti-leftist hack) was induced to resign by the offer of a life peerage (a place in the House of Lords). Seemingly they - Blair's lot - wanted him gone because he was in the way of privatisation plans. I assume he's now nobley and effectively opposing that from his home in leafy and extremely posh Berkshire, just as this petition to the capitalists to waive patents will no doubt have great effect.