From the article;

"“I think the booster programme might have reached saturation and [it is] best to concentrate on those who had no vaccine at all – as their chance of dying is 11 times higher than vaccinated folks,” said Prof Beate Kampmann, director of the vaccine centre at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine."

[Dr Simon Williams, behavioural scientist - which is a modern day Augury with all the connotations that entails because marxist analysis is anathema in the UK - and Kampmann then go on to talk about problems with the booster uptake for a while]

"While efforts are [sic] to understand the reasons for hesitancy in some communities and to counter misinformation are needed to encourage uptake of all Covid jabs, Williams said there was another issue to tackle to increase booster uptake."

"“For some there might be a bit of a conflict or confusion between the message that boosters are important to help protect against the ongoing threat posed by Omicron, and the message that is sent out by the quite sudden removal of pretty much all policy protections and the reduction of the self-isolation period, coupled with the message of ‘getting on with it’,” he said."

Then the article's author, Nicola Davis (science correspondent) finishes with:

"Not for the first time in the pandemic, the message appears to be that when it comes to jabs, communication is key."

Naturally, government policy is a 'communication' issue.

Anecdotally, a friend & colleague of mine refuses to get vaccinated - "I wouldn't go near a hospital unless I was on the floor bleeding out", "they just want to kill you". They're from a particular ethnic group and class, and racism & snobbery have led to some bad mistreatment & neglect from our glorious NHS and doctors.