• inshallah2 [none/use name]
    3 years ago


    BARTLET: A President stood up. He said we will land a man on the moon before the end of the decade. You know what we knew when he said that? Nothing. We didn't know anything. We didn't know about the lunar surface. We didn't know how to land one of these things. All we'd ever done is crash it into the ocean. And God knows we could figure out how to land soft. We didn't know how to blast off again, but a President said we're gonna do it, and we did it. So I ask you, why shouldn't I stand up and say we are going to cure cancer in ten years?

    Silence in the room. No one responds.

    BARTLET [CONT.] I'm really asking.

    JOSH: Well, how close are we to really being able to do this?

    BARTLET: Nobody knows.

    Much later...

    Sam walks to his desk and fiddles with his laptop. He shows Lisa his draft on curing cancer.

    LISA: Read it to me. [sits]

    SAM [reads] "Over the past half-century, we've split the atom, we've spliced the gene, and we've roamed Tranquility Base. We've reached for the stars, and never have we been closer to having them in our grasp. New science, new technology is making the difference between life and death, and so we need a national commitment equal to this unparalleled moment of possibility. And so, I announce to you tonight, that I will bring the full resources of the federal government and the full reach of my office to this fundamental goal: we will cure cancer by the end of this decade."

    LISA [pause] That was nice. [beat] I'll pass the notes along.

    Sam nods and watches Lisa leave his office. As he leans back on his chair, we see his computer screen and the words to his draft. With a touch, he highlights all the words, before he deletes them. For a moment, Sam just sits still, staring at the blank page.