Deep down, I know that the US is evil and will not do anything to stop COVID. But I fucking hate when people talk so casually about it. I don’t give a fuck how “mild” it is. I don’t fucking want it. You should be pissed off and tired that the government is throwing you to the dogs - but no. It’s just a passive shrug. I wouldn’t care as much if I lived by myself, but I live with people who interact with idiots who don’t take precautions because of ego. Fucking hate this shit.
Solving a pandemic requires a population that is governable and a government willing to do it.
The US has a weak government unable to take any action (along with a court system that de facto rules the country and will stop any attempt), and its citizens are ungovernable.
It's not a matter of whether it should be treated as an endemic here. It is endemic now. I don't think it's unreasonable to make decisions moving forward with the fact that it won't be going away in mind.