See this list of the best tattoos ever? None of them have any communist themes. I even searched through r/tattoos for anything Marxist, there was literally nothing.
You should be reading theory, not getting tattoos done.
See this list of the best tattoos ever? None of them have any communist themes. I even searched through r/tattoos for anything Marxist, there was literally nothing.
You should be reading theory, not getting tattoos done.
Yes I will voluntarily put prominant identifying marks on my body
OOC: I literally did not think of not getting tattoos for opspec reasons. I just thought I was too big a nerd to get em.
Wear fake tattoos when the feds are watching.
To be fair (and perhaps I am only taking this position as someone noted for my hand and neck tattoos) you can cover them with makeup for operations, as I have done, and this is only really an issue while this war in the West is still cold, as society collapses and things start to heat up people will (I speculate) barely be bothered with such detailed work.
At any rate, if that is the direction things go, being un-tattooed alone won't save you, you would literally have to distort your face beyond recognition as even having a beard/hat/sunglasses/different body fat hasn't saved me from facial recognition.