2024 BNEF Investment Trends report just dropped: https://about.bnef.com/blog/global-clean-energy-investment-jumps-17-hits-1-8-trillion-in-2023-according-to-bloombergnef-report/

EU absolutely fucking BODIED lmao

The US did double its investment since last year (141B), China was previously at 546B.

Canada not even mentioned. Embarrassing.

  • Sinistar
    11 months ago

    I believe that they do this because it's beneficial for international trade.

    Having a weak currency facilitates other countries buying your products, so it's useful for an export economy - but it prevents you from importing as easily. The opposite is true for having a strong currency, and this dynamic drives a lot of things like de-industrialization in strong currency countries and unequal exchange extracting wealth from weak currency ones.