"My kids abused their classmate and I'm mad that they might not be able to do that."
Fucking evil shit
Bullying of one of my buddies in high school only stopped when me and a few other kids threatened to write to a news station about it
Punched the kid that used to bully me and my friend in the face and quit public school for 6 years.
Its amazing how she pauses after she describes having to stop kids from being bullied. She knows what its about, she just thinks those kids deserve to be bullied. Absolute scum.
uuuuhhhhhhh school bad cuz i cant let kids bully eachother (wait what did i just say how do i get out of this...) school choice thank you
She didn't even completely change the subject after that. That's the most fucked up thing.
Can you put a CW for transphobia? I don't like seeing transphobia I did not intentionally click when casually browsing this site
I dunno, I think pushing them through a fine mesh screen would work pretty good too
The Smurf language but instead of "Smurf" it's "transgender".
Those trans trangenders always transing and transgendering around all transgender-like.
Replace the word "the transgenders" with "conservative Christian" not so funny now huh
This person is clearly advocating for violence and needs to be dealt with
I wanted to do the "I'm not allowed to bully literal children " bit, but honestly my heart isn't even in it after watching that. What a repugnant woman.
Holy shit, that was one of the most transphobic and evil things I've ever seen someone say in public. She's upset that students can't openly mock someone for their gender identity.
Aside from that horrendous bullshit, she brought up the Overton Window and said that people like AOC are dragging this country to the left
I mean, there's the pit and the guillotine. There's also the iron maiden, but later connotations kinda ruined it for me.
replace the iron maiden with the shark tank. the chompy bois n gals are some of our best allies