I'm curious to creck some of the new stuff out but it all looks so not Star Trek

By New Trek I mean Discovery, Picard, Strange New World and Lower Decks

Wow that's a lot of series.

I like the optimism of Star Trek and apparently a lot of New Trek kind of abandons that? sadness

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Lower Decks starts off annoying but ends up hitting the same notes the Orville did, but with the serial numbers still on. Very good, and more adventurous than The Orville

    BNW is ok but didn't really get into the groove it should have. It never gets the vibes of TOS like it should and it hasn't managed to be it's own thing.

    The first two seasons of Discovery are the worst Trek I've ever seen, and I've seen the Animated Series. Third season becomes solid Trek about half way through, though it's actually Andromeda with the serial numbers filed off now. Worth a watch, might become something though it's not yet as promising as say season 4 of Enterprise.

    Picard is horrific, all we wanted was Picard Murder Mysteries or something sedate and philosophical. And instead we get fan service garbage. Every so often it does something interesting like introduce some concepts from the Rihannsu stories into the Romulans, but it instantly flubs it by making it Space Elves rather than Space Romans.