Kinda just making this thread for fun, but if there's something I noticed is that the right really likes to idolize the Joker and Patrick Bateman. I think it's because deep down they know they are objectively evil and they can't outright call themselves satanists because then that would ruin their pious Christian good boy image.

But I can't help but ask that in theory, what fictional character can the left rally around? I've seen Sonic be used, but how about Eren Yeager? My reasoning is that he minecrafted slavers in the first few episodes.

  • The_Champsky [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Hear me out here: Wrestling villains.

    It doesn't matter if the wrestling villain is an asshole or not, they just need the crowd to hate him. Guess what? People love to hate the left. The new media CONSTANTLY portrays anyone to the left of Hitler as the worst thing imaginable. Plus, as of late, we got Jesse Ventura to (kinda) come around, so we can do a lot with memeing ourselves as political heels.

    Non-nazis are universally despised so why not embrace our bad publicity?

    • Olepisshead [he/him]
      2 years ago

      There was a wwe wrestling heel a few years ago that used leftist rhetoric. I think he even trashed a merch booth in the arena Jesus style.