A coworker of mine is close with some Air Force captains and higher ups. He went to an event this weekend and when talking with them he learned that they are not permitted to transport nukes anymore because of some pretty colossal fuck ups. Usually when transporting nukes/warheads it’s a big convoy, soldiers, helicopters, police, etc. Well recently they fucked up and did none of that. Just sent some semis loaded up with warheads along with no protection or anything. Upon one trucks arrival to a base, they didn’t even know what it was and just let it sit on base for a while. One truck allegedly broke down at a truck stop and sat there for days. The level of gross incompetence is funny to me. I have no sources for this info.. just word of mouth. But I don’t believe my coworker would just make that shit up for no reason.
I remember as a teen, in the immediate aftermath of the Soviet collapse, how Hollywood went wild with a newly minted trope of former Soviet nuclear weapons and material being stolen and distributed onto the world stage for non-state actors to do lone wolf nuclear holocausts and shit.
really we excited to see it actually happen with the US' stockpile of planet killing weapons under the patriotic eye of Colonel Tom "Thumbhead" Thumberton because his wife left him, sending him into a diesel huffing spiral.