• LoudMuffin [he/him]
    2 years ago

    What happened to Limmy that he's now stuck in streaming hell lmao

      • LoudMuffin [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Yeah, immediately after posting that comment I saw this: https://youtu.be/hWs6EoAGHSk

        He's definitely been in deep, deep depression. This is probably the most accurate and candid description I've heard of what being depressed is like from a celebrity.

        Also lol @ English audiences not understanding his humor/accent, there are tons of American fans who find him fucking hilarious, and that's with the huge cultural gap.

        edit 1: lol https://youtu.be/P6X8g2KhfaM

        edit 2: lmao


        shoe a wemahn on de screen, and den wee can weeed oud da arseholes