This sign is taped to the office door of State Rep. Steve Carra, a Michigan Republican currently running for Congress.
what's that "in this family we believe" sticker say? I can only read that and "GOVERNOR"
As far as I know - I posted the largest size of the photo. Here's just the sticker at 500%.
There's a schoolbus next to it so my guess is "Parents know better than teachers"
all but the yellow one
If MS Paint had an automagical "enhance" button - I would have used that for you.
It’s basically all about how government is evil the governor is satan, kids are being forced to become trans, and masks and public schools are shit.
They started getting passed around because righties got worked up over those lib ass “in this neighborhood we believe in science and democrats” signs after a claim they were paid by soros was spread around.
If these people were truly scared they would’ve shooters after the clintons years ago lol
Yep this is the current state of Michigan politics it’s fucking stupid. Someone will try killing Rashida in the next year.
Censure? Poser. As if the Clintons are gonna waste an hit on anything less than the risk of prison time.