Being told this is fairly reliable for info on the situation in Ukraine. let me know if it isn't.

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    We have no doubt that the true goals of the Russian state in this war are quite imperialist - to strengthen the position of imperialist Russia in world market competition. But since this struggle today to some extent helps the people of Donbass to fight back against Bandera fascism, the communists in this part of it do not deny, but allow and support as much as it is waged against fascism in Donbass and Ukraine. And they categorically oppose the actions of their government when, under the guise of fighting fascism, the expansion and strengthening of Russian imperialism and its allies will be addressed.

    As long as Russia’s armed intervention helps to save people in the Donbass from reprisals by the punishers, we will not oppose this goal. Among other things, we consider it acceptable if, due to circumstances, we have to use force against the fascist Kiev regime, insofar as it would be in the interests of the working people.

    The key part here, pretty much 100% on point, the most useful thing people who are keen on not taking sides should do is study the points raised here, the Minsk agreement, the 2014 coup etc.

    The only thing people seem to know about is Azov and that is not even half of the problems there. All debate presupposes that people are fully aware of these issues and it is clear this is not the case.