• GarfGirl
    8 months ago

    Imo it's at least partly because of the immense amount of grassroots leftist advocacy theres been for Palestine for decades in the west that means soft leftists can't really get away with open support for Israel, a lot of them tried though in the first week or two after October 7th before realising they had to shift to being less bloodthirsty after facing backlash from it. It's the same deal with why the western soft left has a much more positive view of Cuba than it does of North Korea.

    • GarfGirl
      8 months ago

      Though with Cuba there's a whole thing of "anti tankie" leftists specifically trying to do hitpieces on Cuba because it's committed the mortal sin of being a successful revolution with an ML government and so they feel the need to push back on sympathy for other AES countries and ML thought being spread through pro Cuba statements that point out the obvious improvement in the quality of living that came about with the Cuban revolution.