My brain constantly tells me to shoot people and throughout this ukraine nonsense my brain keeps making me want to do the :so-true: face when i hear about people dying

  • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
    3 years ago

    I was hesitant to write this reply because I'm not qualified frankly to do so. I'm no mental health professional, but after seeing how horrible most of the replies you've received i thought I'd better.

    Firstly, what you're experiencing is not uncommon, at all. The exact nature of it is specific to you but the mechanics of it aren't something weird or extreme or unusual.

    To put it succinctly, you are not your thoughts.

    I've heard it said many times from dharma teachers that our brains are "thoughting machines". They are constantly pushing up thoughts in our brains. We don't control this. Getting upset by them is easy to do but counterintuitively trying to push them out of your mind will only make them stronger.

    What i find helpful when I have a thought like this is to acknowledge it and remind myself that "this is not me" "I'm not my thoughts".

    Think of them like a parade passing by infront of you. I think we can agree that you are not the parade! However the parade still grabs your attention, it leaves impressions on you (thought, sensory experience, memories). If i was to be upset by the parade, trying to chase it off would just leave me more involved.

    The simple acknowledgement that I'm not the parade, I'm not the thoughts can be effective, and even enlightening.

    I hope this was helpful