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There are a lot of Trotskyites in my synagogue with the explanation 'Stalin was a special evil guy' which does not feel adequate. Nor does it explain later Soviet opposition to Zionism/Israel. See for instance the linked article. The extent of the explanation relies on the syllogism 'the USSR did a bad thing because it was failed socialism headed by the vile man Stalin'; no explanation is attempted:

A few days later, on May 17, the bureaucratized Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin also recognized the Zionist State after initially expressing support for the creation of a Jewish state. The following day, May 18, Czechoslovakia, which was already part of the Soviet Bloc, added its recognition and later sent weapons to the Zionists.

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    I'm citing's comment here for the sake of simplicity.

    On the latter part questioning Soviet opposition to Israel, from what little I know - a mix from listening to lectures and and some theoretical speculation papers - from the moment Stalin's body was laid to rest the Soviet presidium under the troika of Malenkov, Beria, and Khrushchev initially, and shortly later under Khrushchev alone, conducted an antagonistic diplomatic realignment with Israel that closely aligns with the reemergence of antisemitism within the Soviet Union.