I posted two months ago that I had left the US to... somewhere. Well, it was Belarus. Because my mom is from here. So there's that. I'm just one smol human bean with vicious brain worms, but I'd be happy to answer questions about/from the perspective of this point on the Google Maps before we're disconnected by the Iron Curtain 2.0.

(It's evening here, I have a few hours, but if I don't answer your question I'll get back to it tomorrow I promise (unless it's redundant/silly/makes me mad lol))

E: I'm going to bed but I'll answer any new questions when I'm up, as promised.

  • CommCat [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    this whole thing seems like US/NATO are sacrificing Ukrainians to force Putin/Russia to look like butchers, as far as I'm understanding of this situation (fog of war), Russia's slow advance towards Kyiv shows they are trying to avoid civilian casualties as much as possible. Compare that to USA response when an American solider gets killed, they just start bombing the town into rubble.

    Zelensky and Ukraine as been played as the sacrificial lamb, they kept poking the Russans thinking that US/Nato had their back militarily.

    • Yanqui_UXO [any]
      2 years ago

      that's my take too. Biden admin loves to say every day on the TV that the US army won't fight for Ukraine bc that'd mean a war with Russia. what they imply is that they're perfectly happy to fight a proxy war with Russia down to the last Ukrainian