Being told this is fairly reliable for info on the situation in Ukraine. let me know if it isn’t.

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    3 years ago

    This is basically my position too. Ordinary Ukrainians are literally being held hostage by their crooked nationalist leaders (for such a devoted Ukrainian nationalist Zelensky sure does host a lot of money offshore in tax havens through dummy corporations). Not just in the geopolitical sense, but literally when they decided to bar teenagers and pensioners alike from fleeing the violence, pulling them off buses, and forcing them to head back into the violence with no training.

    The faster those self-serving scum are pushed to some sense of reason and humility, or destroyed if that's what it comes to, the better.

    • Vncredleader
      3 years ago

      Wonderfully said. NATO, social fascists, literal fascists are cheering on continued war cause they want a "cool" story like the forest brothers or the Finns in the winter war. they dont care what those things actually believed, or how many regular people will die needlessly. This shit is monstrous, and they are using an evil invasion as pretext to fucking set the standard of civilians as combatants and that you have to cheer on whatever conflict NATO wants. They already do that, but it hasn't been this flagrant in Europe proper since Yugoslavia.

      It is like Syria with even more punditry which is a very scary thought for human rights abuses