Being told this is fairly reliable for info on the situation in Ukraine. let me know if it isn’t.

  • mr_world [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I've been on this tip for years because the internet is very much captured and controlled by capital. There isn't two-ways about it. The idea that we could ever federate websites and create a real challenge to the rest of the internet is laughable. Instead what we've done is create a little busybox for ourselves, a nice little roped-off area for us to hangout. They're happy to let us vent and criticize and dunk over here in our little bubble while the real business of propaganda is done everywhere else. They're glad we left reddit and will spend years trying to create a leftist alternative. Just like they were glad when the radicals of the 60s turned into a bunch of artists and writers. If the time comes that they are petty enough to wipe us off the internet, they will and they will have every resource available to do so.

    That's why the only real option is to reject online. Still use the internet to communicate and stuff. But don't treat as anything other than that. Don't treat it as your home away from home. Don't treat it as your only means of socializing. Don't confuse building a website and patrolling it for good opinions as the only expression of your activism. Today being a radical is not having subversive takes online. It means realizing all this shit is a dead-end and moving everything back to the physical world. Then the idea isn't to get libs to accept leftist ideas online, but to get them to log-off too. Logging off is the pipeline to leftist politics. Not r/cth, not podcasts, not reddit, not the right twitter personalities. This is because the physical world is at the center of leftist politics. The science of revolution, the science of history, all are about what's real and how to change it.

      • mr_world [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Yes, and I'm sorry for shitting on this project. It's not that hexbear is useless in terms of comfort and helping people cope with their lives. I know the admin and mods feel generally the same way about doing stuff in person.