I saw the post about V*ush's NATO video and thought I'd see how he was covering Ukraine generally out of morbid curiosity and complete disregard for my own mental health and oh my fucking god he's shameless, he's making bank off this. He literally doesn't give a fuck.

Fucking well known Eastern European scholar Ian from Beverly Hills.

This :funny-clown-hammer: is the most popular supposedly "leftist" streamer after Hasan. We are so fucked.

Reposted because I posted it in the wrong place last time because I'm an idiot.

  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    2 years ago

    didnt someone post some video the other week where he was doing some debate and had to look up what maidan was on wikipedia in the middle of the dabate cos hed never heard of it? truly the ukraine understander