I saw the post about V*ush's NATO video and thought I'd see how he was covering Ukraine generally out of morbid curiosity and complete disregard for my own mental health and oh my fucking god he's shameless, he's making bank off this. He literally doesn't give a fuck.

Fucking well known Eastern European scholar Ian from Beverly Hills.

This :funny-clown-hammer: is the most popular supposedly "leftist" streamer after Hasan. We are so fucked.

Reposted because I posted it in the wrong place last time because I'm an idiot.

  • Mrtryfe [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I don't even mean to come here and tell people to go out and do some real shit in a vague sense, but at the very least, stop watching Vaush for the sake of your own mental health.

    We're fucked for a myriad of reasons and Vaush is pretty low on that list. He's going to sit on his gaming chair and call for the maintaining of the status quo, and collect his twitch bux.

    • ValiumAnarchist [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      I do generally avoid him, although my only sibling who still speaks to me thinks he's wonderful and so I hear his idiot takes more than I'd like. I was just morbidly curious after I saw the NATO video screenshot posted as to what idiot thing he was doing expecting it, honestly, to be funny more than anything. It was not.

      But yeah, you're right. I definitely shouldn't pay him any mind, no matter how curious I am. I'm sure I could have lived without checking out his twitter after in a quest to remain annoyed at him.