Someone tell me 'cause I can't figure them out!
Rats are a pet I can respect as an individual, like a dog but maybe smarter. They just live such short lives and get a lot of cancer. I couldn't bond with another one for that reason. Raccoons on the other hand are the sigma pet. As smart as a rat with the same personality (a bit more cat-like), destructively curious like a toddler but no rodent chewing, 20 year lifespan. If you rescue one that's been removed from the wild for two or three generations, they're like having a border collie that can climb.
Rats are so smart, and have so much personality, and live just long enough to make you real sad when they die.
Ferrets too
Was just doing some spring cleaning and dusting off 10 little urns makes my heart hurt
I had to adopt a terrier mix just to stop me from getting more rats. My heart couldn't take it.
if it was possible to genetically life extend rats i think they would be able to build a tiny civilization
They're cuter and more talented than Seinfeld could ever hope to be