Therefore, the American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians. The American people have the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their Government and even to change it if they want.

From his letter to America

    • SerLava [he/him]
      tre år sedan

      This is a major component of it, which also references the absolute refusal of ground troops to fight. When they refused to fight, it shifted to a primarily air bombardment war, but then the aircraft carrier crews and other naval crews began to organize and sabotage their own ships.

      Just extremely based shit that was instantly swept under the rug