Debunking NATO propaganda and consent manufacturing means massively massively more than your personal relationships and comfort. I don't want to hear how hard it is to be called a 'shill for Putin'. People should have already been calling you a shill for Assad, for Kim Jong Un, for Xi, for Castro or you have been fucking NEGLIGENT AS LEFTISTS. If you're in the imperial core your primary fucking duty is to anti imperialism. Clearly a lot of you haven't been doing this. Now there are possible nuclear consequences and I see a great deal of you still too fucking chicken shit to stick their necks out for people living under the thumbs of America and NATO. Investigate the situation thoroughly and have an informed, consistent take based in Marxism and historical materialism and then REPEAT IT LOUDLY AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND LET IT BE KNOWN THAT THE WORKERS OF THE WORLD DO NOT STAND FOR THIS. This is supposed to be a board of principled communists, act like it.

Read Combat Liberalism

  • Civility [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    It has some really strong points but I think it’s far less useful to modern day imperial core commies who were radicalised on the internet than it was to Chinese peasants turning their villages into PLA cadres 1937.

    Like, I’m pretty sure it says you’re a liberal if you don’t stop and yell at every cop, bank teller and business owner you see then spend the rest of the day getting into twitterfights with blue checks, and I don’t think either of those go far towards building communism or even leading a sustainable life.

    • regularassbitch [she/her]
      3 years ago

      you're definitely right about the intensity with which it says you should act but I think it's important to take those points and adapt them to modern day circumstances. it really isn't asking a lot to challenge the propaganda a majority of the people you know are reading, even if it ends up being futile. I get where you're coming from entirely but I also have to put my foot down and reiterate how important I think it is to challenge these narratives, at least when it won't ruin your life to do so

      • Civility [none/use name]
        3 years ago


        I think it still applies really well within a communist organisation, which is the context it was written in, and 5, 9, 10 & 11 are just good advice in general, but 1, 3, 6 and especially 8 can be actively harmful in a modern, non org context.