Here I was feeling mighty uncomfortable with all the WWII parallels I'm seeing and it turns out I've been overlooking the WWI parallels this whole time.

Also the guy in the video is a queer historian who is starving and he's planning on starting a podcast to do audio essays. I think he's one to keep an eye on if you dig history/sociology and he deserves support for the critical work he is doing.

    5 months ago

    I agree that there's a ton of parallels between now and the period just before WWI (e.g. I've only recently realized how much a tangled web of alliances the Middle East / North East Africa is).

    But of all the parallels that could exist, I really think the "men aren't manly enough" attitude we see today / saw them is not a good indicator of us heading towards the next world war. And even if you think it's a good one, I also think there are just way better indicators, to the point that recruiting propaganda trends aren't going to be a major contributor.

    • ReadFanon [any, any]
      5 months ago

      I should have mentioned that this is the start of him doing videos on what he sees as WWI parallels so I'd recommend checking out the other videos he has dropped and likely will drop in future.

        • ReadFanon [any, any]
          5 months ago

          Doesn't seem as though currently but it appears as though he's considering branching out into podcasting and that usually comes with a person developing an online presence that is platform-agnostic, so fingers crossed he'll start doing that to make his thoughts more accessible to a wider audience.

  • Xx_Aru_xX [she/her]
    5 months ago

    Time to lose my eye sights from mustard gas like my great grandfather yippeee

  • BovineUniversity
    5 months ago

    I don't really see parallels. WW1 was a late-to-the-game empire inciting war to usurp the more established colonial imperial powers. I guess maybe you could place Russia or China in Germany's role but it doesn't feel right to me.

    5 months ago

    This sounds interesting, but I sure as hell am not downloading TikTok to see it. Is there a mirror anywhere?

  • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]
    5 months ago

    Haven't watched the tiktok but there are a few parallels to WW1 for sure. For one there's the advancement of weapons technology in colonial wars being used by peer/near-peer combatants in parallel with old tactics to disasterous results (machine guns and artillery in WW1, cheap drones and anti-tank weapons in Ukraine), the aforementioned period of colonial "policing" leading people to drastically misunderstand what modern war entails (look at how war was treated as an adventure prior to WW1 and compare to how the reddit-logo brigades were talking about it), mass media controlled by the ruling class misleading and outright lying to the general population (I'm sure everyone has seen the modern day examples, and for an example for WW1 let me plug a post I made on news coverage on the Battle of the Somme )

    • D61 [any]
      5 months ago


      Its awesome to think of Aircraft Carriers and M1 Battle Tanks and B2 Bombers in the same way the Magniot Line was thought of after WW2.