
  • emizeko [they/them]
    2 years ago

    News media follows the same pattern as entertainment media. Long gone are the days when Chinese citizens were depicted as impotent victims of the Communist Party. [17] Polling of Chinese citizenry by Dalia Research reveals that “73% of Chinese consider China to be democratic, whereas only 49% of Americans believe the same about the U.S.,” [18] Harvard’s Ash Center concludes after a landmark 13-year study that “Chinese citizen satisfaction with the government has increased virtually across the board,” [19] Blackbox Research and Toluna find “China gets top score as citizens rank their governments’ response to the coronavirus outbreak,” [20] Eurasia Group Foundation finds “28% of Chinese respondents reported an unfavourable view of the US, up from 17% a year earlier, while the number reporting a favourable view fell to 39% from 58%,” [21] and NYU professor Philip Alston writes, in his final report on global poverty as UN Special Rapporteur, in a section titled “China’s outsized contribution”:

    Much of the progress reflected under the Bank’s line is due not to any global trend but to exceptional developments in China, where the number of people below the International Poverty Line dropped from more than 750 million to 10 million between 1990 and 2015, accounting for a large proportion of the billion people ‘lifted’ out of poverty during that period. This is even starker under higher poverty lines. Without China, the global headcount under a $2.50 line barely changed between 1990 and 2010. And without East Asia and the Pacific, it would have increased from 2.02 billion to 2.68 billion between 1990 and 2015 under a $5.50 line. [22]

    This reality of a government that leads by consent rather than repression, of Chinese people who are content with “moderate prosperity” rather than starry-eyed about American largesse, necessitated the birth of a new myth. And so propaganda shifted gears, and the Chinese population ceased to be portrayed as victims, and instead became “Han supremacists,” hellbent on liquidating all difference and homogenizing the whole world in their image.