It's only the thing protecting us from the murderous intent of cosmic rays, but what the hell.

    • ToastGhost [he/him]
      2 years ago

      similar order of magnitude to getting energy from the sun, its way way more than humannity can extract in thousands of years, and like the sun any small amount we would extract is tiny compared to what is radiated away into space and lost, also its still replenished by radioactive elements within the core

    • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Geothermal is infinite for most plans on the scale of ~millions of years, and that's not because we'd extract all of it, it's because the source may move due to plate tectonics and mantle movements over tens or hundreds of millions of years. The issue is that you can't do it everywhere. Or, well, you can, but to do it efficiently (both in an economic sense and in the regular sense of like, mining and laying the pipes and all that without it taking forever) you need an area that's already hot fairly close to the surface. Iceland is a great example, as is some countries around the East African Rift. I imagine many, even most countries have localized upwellings of heat that could supply a big geothermal plant or two without it being prohibitively expensive, but you'd need other renewable energy sources to supplement it unless you planned on turning Iceland into one gigantic geothermal plant for the whole world or something.

    • riley
      8 months ago

      deleted by creator