People keep telling me I only deal in absolutes, and that it's unhealthy and I should sometimes find the middle-ground between two different positions. (I.e. caring for myself vs others, putting all my energy on a task vs not even bothering)

So what's the procedure to finding a middle-ground so I can apply it to literally everything in my life, as the Autistic Gods demand? \s

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    5 months ago

    Finding middle ground is just lib shit. The vast majority of dichotomies are false dichotomies, and there are always more than two choices. Likewise, sometimes what seem like opposites aren't actually opposites.

    caring for myself vs others

    Since you are a social being, part of caring for yourself involves dealing with other people. Likewise, you can't care for others if you don't know or haven't even cared for yourself. The two form a dynamic and can't be meaningfully separated like two opposites.

    putting all my energy on a task vs not even bothering

    It heavily depends on the task and the context in which the task exists in. Some things are worth prioritizing, some things can be shelved, and some things are straight up detrimental and should be dropped as soon as possible. No one here can really answer that for you because we aren't you and we don't know you. The only real way for you to answer this is to experience life and have the conceptual tools to analyze what went right, what went wrong, and so on before experiencing life again based on your previous introspection.