• LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    3 years ago

    besides the racist Nazi "asiatic horde" theme here this is also so fucking stupid. One of the foundations Russian national identity is the historic throwing off the "mongol yoke" (they still call it that even now). A bunch of different Russian-speaking petty kingdoms united to liberate their people from the mongol empire. Don't think Putin is going to be inspired by the guy who historically conquered and oppressed his homeland. You know what empire he does take a lot of influence from tho? The fucking Russian Empire, you know the one with the Tsars and the Ukraine??. Guess that explanation doesn't have enough race baiting for the wall street journal though.

    • Animasta [any]
      3 years ago

      It's not just mongol yoke, it's tatar-mongol yoke which probably contributed to all the shit tatars had to endure in Russia.