In case any cis dudes here were wondering what kind of weird shit women have to deal with lol

Chad Chad's youtube channel - their are some real angry redditors in the comments for this video :kombucha-disgust:

  • Circra [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Super sheltered existence maybe?

    I mean even if we ignore non paid work, creative stuff like art, childcare and care in general (which we shouldn't) it has only ever been the upper classes where women didn't 'work' but I guess that's the dominant class so that tends to be what gets recorded.

    Women were working alongside men in factories during the industrial revolution, hell one of the main reasons child labour laws were bought in in England was cos the moralising classes didn't like the idea of girls and boys going down mineshafts together.

    I reckon 50% of their worldview comes from lazy, shallow entertainment stuff and the other 50% from their parents and online groups of ppl very like them.