Fuck you FromSoft

  • Candidate [he/him]
    2 years ago

    So if people want tips:


    You wanna swing into her. I know it's counter intuitive, but you can stuff A LOT of her attacks. Even attacks that have a lot of hyper armor while in motion (her charge, the grab) can be stuffed in the early frames. The issue is that a lot of the heavier weapons would be less likely to catch her in these moments and faster weapons may not have the poise damage to cause her to flinch. I found the most effective weapon to be the Bloodhound's Fang - apparently you can cheese her with it's weapon art, but I never tried - it's just a solid mix of damage, speed, range, poise break and a bit of bleed. But that's gonna change based on your build and what weapons you found.

    Since she can flinch fairly easily, be sure to go for charging attacks if she leaves big gaps - the one attack with two slow swipes, where she goes up and then down, is a good time for this. Also, make sure you never double tap - you want to make sure you get the riposte , so only input a second attack if you see her flinch and not take a knee.

    The big problem with her is her Water Fowl attack. I've seen people manage to run away from the first flurry, but I never managed to avoid it, ever. I could dodge to the side and back enough to take me down to about half health. The second flurry is fairly easy to just roll forward into, and with the third, you can just stand still while she flies over you - when she lands, roll backwards. This'll clip you, but do minimal damage if you've been levelling Vigour. Once she's landed and your out of the radius of the final explosion, you can heal up the damage from the first flurry. She also has an insane move in Phase 2 where she throws illusory version of herself at you , but frankly, I only saw this twice and never learnt to dodge it. :::