Fuck you FromSoft

  • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I finally beat her. Used the same setup as before, but with my mimic tear up to +10. That said, it still took me ~20-30 tries just today in order to finally win, and even then, I basically just got lucky. My mimic tear managed to survive until right before I killed her 2nd phase, and she didn't really pull many of her more BS attacks. I did die from scarlet rot right after though lol, as can be seen in my victory screenshot.

    • mittens [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Awesome! On a whim I upgraded rivers of blood to +10 because I had a vast stock of somber stones, I'll look for Mohg and see if he can be beaten with my current setup and then I'll just spam the rivers of blood weapon art on Malenia with the Mimic Tear. See I won't play fair and I'll do it as cheap as possible.