• MerryChristmas [any]
    3 years ago

    My dad gets all sorts of secondhand bloodlust from hearing about Ukrainians "defending their homeland," and you are right - he will never be convinced by this argument. When he was growing up, the cold war was already underway and communists were already seen as the "bad guys" who wanted to invade the nation. If you asked your average boomer who won WWII and who they were allied with, they'd likely say America and then list off the whitest European countries they can remember off the top of their heads.

    We are fighting against decades of propaganda. Of course people on here associate anti-communism with fascism - we know what fascism actually is. To most Americans, however, it just means any authoritarian regime that they don't like. It will take more to crack through the propagandized brain than a snappy Twitter clapback.

    • Vncredleader
      3 years ago

      nothing on twitter will break through the propaganda. the point of calling them nazis on twitter is because NATO are nazis glorifying nazis. No one who follows NATO on twitter is going to be swayed by some informative tweet. Pointing out that people who kept fighting after WW2 ended against the soviets, are thus fighting on the same side as a certain other power is a pretty fair response. Engaging with NATO propaganda in good faith is pointless on twitter