my personal definition of it is this: a non-essential (or classified essential, but over-the-top, exotic, extravagant, and/or inefficient for the purposes of fulfilling human need) commodity that has an unfortunate capital-T Tendency (as in, the TPRF in which it applies without fail) of being invoked in political discussions, almost always making said discussions objectively worse.

A sub-classification of treats, which I wish more people would directly invoke instead of using the broader term since it's funnier to me, is the 'adventures': escapist, less-than-nuanced fantasies that are, without fail, invoked by people to explain complex political issues.

Any additions? Disagreements? we must synthesize this before it becomes the new tankie in watered-down 'thing i dislike' applicability.

  • WhyEssEff [she/her]
    3 years ago

    March 24th, 2035: Man found dead outside the Walmart(r)-cum-Proud Boys Headquarters in Los Angeles, death judged to be due to radiation overexposure without proper PPE. Last tweet from the man, two days before death, reads: "i'm going to be like the courier!"