we are going to have a lovely discussion about this video >:3

  • Hoyt [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Sure, I don't disagree with you on any of this, and obviously you don't need to watch or comment according to what I think would be a productive conversation. However the video wasn't about whether or not the gas attacks were true. the argument she was making was that Dore was using the one time he was right (maybe) as a cudgel against everyone he disagrees in order to isolate him as the sole purveyor of truth in all media. I just think it's more worthwhile to engage in the arguments the video is trying to make. the video wasn't about the veracity of gas attack facts, so i just let it slide ya know? but who am I to say what is the correct way to watch and comment on a video i guess. and yeah, her calling all these cranks and weirdos "anti-imperialists" really left a bad taste in my mouth too