Russia Isint going to take Kiev or all of ukraine. That ship sailed 3 days into the invasion. The Russian military is n extreme disarray and is practically collapsing at this point with an insane number of frostbitten soldiers. As well as this their equipment is extremely old and it’s mud season and it’s clear the Russian military generals have been embezzling billions from the military from how much weaker and how much smaller in size and how old their equipment and rations are. A lot of their rations expired 10 years ago. Meanwhile ukraine is being pumped with the best weapons on earth. Meanwhile Russian soldiers loot gas stations just to not starve. I predict russia will be forced to pull out and won’t even get the Donbas region anymore. Putin overestimated his militaries capabilities becahse his military blatantly lied to him about its size and funding

  • frick [they/them]
    2 years ago

    an insane number of frostbitten soldiers

    bro its almost april