Destiny? That's fucking dystopian.

Forsyth County Schools [in Georgia are] planning for changes to media centers, book challenges in 2022-23 year

The system is a dominant library management solutions provider and it's owned by a private equity firm...

Follett School Solutions Sold to Private Equity Firm | American Libraries Magazine

What does acquisition of dominant library management solutions provider mean for K–12 libraries?

A school library system vendor has "begun working on" the ability to automatically notify parents when their kids check a book out of the school library and to allow parents to prevent kids their kids from checking out books on certain topics. This sucks.

Feel free to let @FollettLearning know what you think :)


If you are a Follett Destiny library, now would be a very good time to talk to them about your concerns about the option being built into the systems that you and your students use.


  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    I didn't know a thing about Destiny until I saw the tweet. To be honest - I didn't even read the articles I put in the self-text. Learning more would make me more angry. I'm already very angry. Everything in the US is getting fucked and the only thing saving us from the right-wing abyss are the democrats who are stupid, lazy, incompetent, and delusional.

    I imagine that if a dem pol like Elizabeth Warren knew about this and she was asked about it she might say she was troubled and that it's a disturbing trend and that something should be done. But she'd act as if she were a typical American with zero political power. Me - for example.

    I'm troubled and it's a disturbing trend and something must be done and it must be done in as many states as possible and at the federal level. Will the dems actually do anything on a state or federal level? In blue states - I dunno - maybe? But on a federal level - the dems are useless.

    I don't want to hear DC dems like Warren saying the right things. I want them to fucking do something. Oh, but we can't because of the filibuster. And Manchin. And Sinema. And...